Carnivores in Zambia come in all shapes and sizes, including two members of the Big five group.
Importance of carnivores
Carnivores play a very important role in the ecosystem as they control the herbivore levels, their prey. Uncontrolled herbivore numbers lead to overgrazing and this is destructive to the flora in that ecosystem. An often-cited example is the negative effect of the eradication of grey wolves in Yellowstone national park (Wyoming), on that environment. It is therefore critical to have healthy carnivore numbers in any ecosystem.
Time to World Carnivore Month (January)
Carnivores are meat eaters but not all carnivores are the same in terms of the percentage of meat in their diet. Carnivore can be divided into 4 main groups:
Obligate carnivores
These carnivores can only survive on meat as they can not digest plants properly. They include all cats, from the house cat to the king of the savanna, the Lion. The African wild dog is also an obligate carnivore as well as snakes, lizards, and most amphibians.
The hypercarnivore diet has more than 70 percent meat. The rest of the diet is fungi, plants, and other nutrients. They include hyenas and Mongooses. All obligate carnivores also belong to the hypercarnivore group.
The mesocarnivore diet has between 30 and 70 percent meat. They include Domestic dogs, African civets, and some mongooses.
The hypocarnivores diet has less than 30 percent meat. Some Hypocarnivores are also considered omnivores.
Animals fall into one of these five groups, based on their feeding habits:
Obligate herbivore | Facultative herbivore | Omnivore | Facultative carnivore | Obligate herbivore |
Facultative means contingent or optional, therefore the facultative carnivore mainly eats meat but can also survive on plant matter. They can survive for short periods without meat. The reverse is true for facultative herbivores.
Hypercarnivores are considered facultative carnivores. Some mesocarnivores are considered facultative carnivores and others omnivores. Lastly, hypocarnivores are a mixture of omnivores and facultative herbivores.
Zambia is a showcase for the African carnivore with good populations in most national parks.
Carnivores in Zambia and where they are found
See Big five

The leopard and jaguar are sometimes confused with each other. The smaller leopard (up to 90 kg [198 lb]) is found in Africa and Asia. The bulkier jaguar (up to 158 kg [348 lb]) is found in Central and South America. The leopard is the strongest climber of the large cats, whilst the jaguar has the strongest bite force.
Valley of the Leopard in South Luangwa National Park, Eastern Zambia, boasts Africa’s highest concentration of leopards.
Lion (second fastest carnivores)
See Big five
Carnivorous plants
Not all carnivores have four legs and chase their prey across the lush savanna, some have roots and wait patiently for their prey. There are more than 600 species of carnivorous plants in the world. Zambia has carnivorous plants in the genera Aldrovanda vesiculosa, Drosera, Genlisea, and Utricularia. They have specialized leaves that lure and then trap unsuspecting insects.
Conservation of carnivores
See the Zambian Carnivore Programme and help in the conservation of our beautiful carnivores.