Hoofed non-antelope is a group that comprises hoofed animals not classified as Big Five or Antelope.

(Potamochoerus larvatus) Follow monkeys to eat the fruit they drop.
Found everywhere except the western part of Western and North Western provinces
Reddish-brown to grey-brown bristle-like and can grow to 150kg (331lb) and 100cm (39.4in) shoulder height. They live in sounders of up to 10 animals coat but secretive and rarely seen.
(Giraffa camelopardalis thornicrofti) The long blue tongue can lick face and ears.
Giraffa camelopardalis actually means ‘fast walking camel leopard’.
Unique to the Luangwa valley of Zambia
Thornicroft’s Giraffe is endemic to South Luangwa national park.
Has light fawn to dark grey patchwork patterning. It can grow to a total height of 5.2m (17ft) and weigh 1,400 kg (3,086lb). The heart can weigh 9kg (20lb). It averages 1.9 hours of sleep per day; one of the shortest in the animal kingdom. It lives in herds of up to 30 individuals.
South Luangwa National Park | Common |
(Hippopotamus amphibius) World’s deadliest large land mammal.
Large herds in the Zambezi, Kafue and Luangwa waters and Luapula lakes
It has greyish-black bare skin with pinkish-grey underparts; up to 3175kg (7,000lb) and 1.6m (5.2ft) shoulder height. It is the third-largest land mammal on the earth. It is very territorial and lives in bloats of up to 30 animals with a dominant male. Despite their bulk, that can reach land speeds of 30km/h (18.6m/h).

South Luangwa National Park | Common |
(Equus quagga) This hoofed non-antelope sleeps in the standing position.
Burchell’s zebras (quus quagga boehmi) western regions
Crawshay’s zebra (Equus quagga crawshayi) eastern regions
It has a black and white striped coat, with black skin underneath the coat. It is a black animal with white stripes. It can grow to a shoulder height of 1.3m (4.3ft) and weigh 340kg (749.6lb). They can run at 56.3km/h (35mph) in a zigzag manner, to escape predators. Zebra herd often with wildebeest herds.
South Luangwa National Park | Common (Crawshay’s) |
(Phacochoerus africanus) Its tusks can grow to 25.5cm (10in)
Found across the whole country
It has a sparsely haired grey body. It can grow to 70cm (2.3 ft) at the shoulder and weigh 118kg (260lb). It can run up to 30 miles per hour and use its tasks to defend itself. It has wart-like bumps on its head, from which it gets its name. This hoofed non-antelope is usually seen in family groups, sounders, of females and young, or pairs.
South Luangwa National Park | Common |