November ceremonies:
Chabalankata, Copperbelt Province
By the Lamba people, Senior Chief Mushili, of Masaiti District.
Nsengele Kununka, Copperbelt Province
By the Lamba people, Chief Machiya, of Mpongwe District.
Mbambara, Lusaka Province
By the Nsenga Luzi people, Senior Cbief Mburuma, of Luangwa District.
Chibwela Kumushi, Lusaka Province
By the Soli people, Chief Bunda Bunda, of Luangwa District.

November ceremonies
Kailala, Lusaka Province
By the Goba people, Chieftainess Chiawa, of Kafue District.
Chibwela Kumushi, Lusaka Province
By the Soli people, Chief Mumpashya, of Luangwa District.
Ngóndo, Muchinga Province
By the Namwanga people, Senior Chief Kafwimbi, of Isoka District.
Bagande, Southern Province
By the Tonga people, Chief Simamba, of Siavonga District.
Koombaze Kamakonde, Southern Province
By the Tonga people, Chief Simwatachela, of Kalomo District.
Traditional ceremonies