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Zambia tourism & travel guide
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Enjoy Livingstone and all it has to offer. Book your Livingstone activities here. Your visit is not complete without visiting the largest sheet of falling water, in the world, The Victoria Falls.
Enjoy Lusaka and all it has to offer. Book your Lusaka activities here.
See the rich Art & Culture we offer, in our country.
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Incredible experiences
Home of the Mighty Victoria Falls, Kasanka Bat Migration and diverse wildlife. Zambia is full of amazing sites and wonderful experiences.
Zambia’s unique experiences
Zambia boasts of many activities including white water rafting, fishing, motorsports, music festivals, traditional ceremonies, and massive animal migrations. It is home to unique flora and fauna, such as the Thornicroft giraffe. Enjoy Zambia and other experiences that are well-known but often unseen, including:
- Mbala Surrender Monument, where the last surrender by German forces happened, ending WWI.
- Mwela Rock Paintings National Monument is one of the densest concentrations of granite art sites anywhere in Africa, with over 1000 paintings recorded in the rock outcrops.
- World’s largest mammal migration. Migration of over 10 million fruit bats (Kansanka National Park)
- Densest population of leopards in Africa (South Luangwa National Park)
- World’s largest concentration of Hippos (Luangwa Valley)
- Second largest wildebeest migration (Liuwa Plain National Park)
Water bodies
- World’s largest Water Falls (Victoria falls)
- One of the World’s Natural 7 wonders (Victoria falls)
- World’s largest Man-made lake (Lake Kariba)
- World’s second Deepest lake (Lake Tanganyika)
- World’s longest freshwater lake (Lake Tanganyika)
- African’s second deepest river (Kabompo)
- Africa’s second-longest river (Chambeshi)
- Africa’s Fourth longest river (Zambezi)
- Africa’s Largest wetlands (Bangweulu wetlands)
- World’s only point where 4 Countries meet (Kazungula)
- World’s shortest international land Boundary Between Zambia and Botswana
The weather is generally warm to hot which makes it an ideal destination to enjoy the tropical sun in the various recreational and tourist sites. Zambia is renowned for being a peaceful country with friendly local people who readily embrace cultural diversity and with such a vast array and myriad of tourism products, it is guaranteed that exploring these various sites will be an adventure you will definitely enjoy.
World Heritage Site
Mosi-oa-Tunya / Victoria Falls
These are some of the most beautiful waterfalls on this planet and are considered one of the seven natural wonders of the world. They are the world’s greatest sheet of falling water.
The Zambezi River, which is more than 2 kilometers wide at this point, thunders down a succession of basalt canyons, erupting in an iridescent mist visible from more than 20 kilometers away.
Heritage Tourism
Bell Point, Lunsemfwa | Wonder Gorge (Mkushi District) | Kundalila Falls (Serenje District) | Nsalu Cave (Serenje District) | David Livingstone Memorial (Serenje District) | Big Tree (Kabwe) | Steam Locomotives
The Chichele Mofu Tree | Lake Chilengwa | Hippo Pool | Lake Kashiba | Slave Tree | The Collier Monument, Luanshya | The Dag Hammerskjöld Memorial Crash
Kalemba Rock Shelter | Mkoma Rock Shelter | Katolola Rock Painting | Thandwe Rock Shelter (Chipata District) | Kabvumo Rock Shelter | The Lundazi Castle Hotel National Monument
Ntumbachushi Waterfalls | Lumangwe Waterfalls | Kabwelume Waterfalls | Chimpempe Waterfalls | Mombututa Waterfalls | Samfya (Kasamba Stream) Grinding Grooves | Munwa Stream Rock Engravings
Chakeluka Archaeological Site: Lusaaka before Lusaka
Chakeluka/ Twickenham Road Archaeological Site, Chakeluka Road, Olympia Park, Lusaka. Evidence of the transition from the Early Iron Age (EIA) to the Later Iron Age (LIA), in the region, comes from this site. This is another easy-to-access Lusaka heritage site, behind the popular Manda Hill Mall.
Alymer May Cemetery
It was opened in 1922 and named after Dr. Aylmer, the country’s first chief medical officer. It was officially closed in 1958, although there have been some burials after that. It was a burial site for the English, Jews, and members of the Dutch Reformed, and Roman Catholic churches. It is the only public cemetery with a chapel erected on a grave; the grave of Audrey Mary Elizabeth Murray. The Murray Memorial Chapel was built in 1928.
Zesco Cooling Tower
Located between Great East, ZESCO and Sadzu roads, Lusaka. It is Lusaka’s first major source of thermal power, opened in 1943 and closed in 1970. It cost an estimated £60, 000 to construct. Loc@tion
Njanji Commuter Building
It was built in 1906 as a railway station, making it one of the earliest surviving buildings in Lusaka. White passengers bought their tickets in the foyer inside, while black Africans used the small window in front of the building. An easy-to-access Lusaka heritage site, right in the centre of the CBD, next to the junction of Heros Pl and Sapele Ave.
EW Tarry’s Building
Completed in 1927 and used as an agricultural merchant’s shop (machinery and fertilisers) and has an important place in Lusaka’s agricultural history. It was one of the first shops on Cairo road and is located at the junction of Cairo and Kalundwe roads, In the central business district.
Old Fisher House Plot 109
It was built in 1909, at the Cairo and Chiparamba roads junction, it is one of Lusaka’s earliest surviving buildings. It was once called Fisher’s complex but is now called Limbe shopping complex.
Lusaka Miller’s House
The current location of the National Milling Company Limited. It is located near to the north end of Cairo Road, in the central business district.
Cairo Road Historic Garden
As part of Lusaka’s development programme, trees were planted in 1921 and 1994, along the city’s main thoroughfare. The trees divide the wide dual carriageway, Cairo road.
Marrapodi House Plot 294
The first residential house in Lusaka was the residence of Giovanni Marrapodi. He was an Italian contractor working on the railway line. It is currently a restaurant and was built in 1921.
Marrapodi Kiln
The Kiln was used from 1919 to 1922, for manufacturing lime for industrial use. Operations ceased soon after the death of its founder, Mr. Govianni Marrapodi.
Lusaka Hotel
Originally called the Counsell’s hotel, it was the first hotel in the city of Lusaka, opened in 1912. It is located on Cairo Road in the central business district. Its main entrance has been moved from Cairo road to Katondo street as part of the hotel’s redevelopment and refurbishment.
Old Lusaka Boys School
Established in 1910, it was the first government school in Lusaka, for children of European farmers. It is located on Dedan Kimathi road, the site originally established as a European school, in 1908, by the Dutch Reformed church.
When Lusaka girls’ school was opened in 1939, it ceased to be a co-education school and became a boys-only school. The buildings now house the National Heritage Conservation Commission’s East Central Region and Headquarters.
Old Post Office
Located at the Katondo street and Freedom way junction, in the central business district, it served as the first post office in Lusaka. It was opened in 1933. It is being used as a post office, again, after many years as a secondary school.
Former Dutch Reformed Church
It is a depiction of Dutch architecture and is located on the Great North road, villa Elizabertha, and build in 1933. The residence, however, was built earlier in 1926.
1932 House No. 110D
Historic depiction of Dutch architecture in Zambia, it is also located on the Great North Road, villa Elizabertha. It was built in 1932.
Former Charter House
The building currently housing the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and located at the intersection between Independence avenue and Haile Selassie road. It was used by the British South African Company (BSAC), responsible for management and administration of Northern Rhodesia, up to 1924.
Kabwata Roundaveles
Now Kabwata Cultural Village where hand carvings, crafts and curios can be bought, it was part of 500 round one-roomed houses with thatched roofs. The artists in the village stem from all the provinces in Zambia. The cultural village is located on Burma Road, off Independence Avenue, in “Kabwata”, named after Chief Lusaaka’s son.
Old Secretariat / Old National Assembly
Also known as the Old Secretariat. It is located along Independence Avenue, at what in now Cabinet Office, opposite the Presidential Park memorial site. It was built in 1932 and housed colonial and post-colonial assemblies until 1967 when the current Parliament building at Manda Hill was opened.
Chilenje House National Monument
Lusaka was occupied by Dr. K. D. Kaunda, Zambia’s first republican president from January 1960 to December 1962, from where he directed the struggle for independence. Dr. Kaunda officially opened the monument in October 1968. Two exhibitions are available:
- Personal effects, furniture, and utensil, of the Kaunda’s
- History of Lusaka from the earliest time to independence, 1964
The Land Rover used by Dr. Kaunda and colleagues during the independence struggle is also available on the site. This is a popular Lusaka heritage site that should be visited by all that come to Lusaka city.
Chikumbi Freedom Camp
About 20 kilometres outside Lusaka. It was the Zimbabwe People’s Revolutionary Army (ZIPRA) headquarters in Zambia. The Chikumbi Massacre happened on 19th October 1978, killing and injuring almost 1000 people. Ian Smith’s Rhodesian air force fighter planes dropped conventional 1,000-pounders, golf bombs, and Alpha ‘bouncing’ bombs on a pass-out parade.
Oliver R. Tambo National Monument
Chipoma Waterfalls | Nachikufu Cave | Chusa Falls | Namundela Falls | Lubwa Mission / Kenneth Kaunda Birth Place | Lenshina Burial Place | Mwenzo Mission | Old FifeZwangendaba’s Grave
Chishimba Waterfalls | Lumangwe Waterfalls | Kabwelume Waterfalls | Chimpempe Waterfalls | Kundabwika Waterfalls & Rock Paintings | Kalambo Waterfalls & Archaeological Site | Chilambwe Waterfalls | Nkwale Waterfalls | Mwela Rock Art Paintings | Kateshi Waterfalls | The Bangweulu Wetlands | Kasama Pioneer Cemetery | Von Lettow Vorbeck | Lake Chila | Fort Zombe | The Slave Route | Niamkolo Church The “Good” News | Mbala Old Prison | Chilubula Church
Kabompo HouseMutanda Falls Heritage SiteKamusongolwa KopjePolish War MemorialLake Chibesha Heritage SiteNyambwezu FallsKifubwa National MonumentMöir and Bell National MonumentZambezi Source National MonumentMpongwe Fortified Village
Victoria Falls World Heritage Site | Railway Museum | Gwisho Hotsprings | Sebanzi Hills | Kalundu Mound |Old Drift Cemetery |Nkala Fortified Village | Kalomo Administrator’s House | Fort Monze Cemetery | Muzandu Rock Engravings | Mulobezi Open-Air Railway Museum